The Album


Myths of the New Age is a passion project that has been in the works for two years now. The Album is complimented by the first book, still in the works, and there are more albums and books also in production. Watch more of our performance on Youtube or listen to snipets on the website.

Recital Songs

1. The First Dawn

The first song, a love letter to a passion that burned, a bit too bright at times.

2. What Burned Inside

Searching for the source of conscience she drifted away from her other half, but found it in herself. 

3. Where There Are Lakes in the Sky 

Water Goddess born to create conscience, water came to give life to this world.

4. My Own Gravity

The source of our true power always comes from us, finding your will power you create gravity itself.

5. The Red Umbrella

What unites us all, regardless of color, it is always red. The green of their blood, the red of our eyes.

6. Into The Wilderness

When humanity is born, we face why cruelty comes instinctualy and learn, again, how to live.

7. Moon Mine

Sometimes the simplest of things give us meaning we never hoped for, looking at the moon we dream.

10. What's War Worth

When we commit the worst of our sins. What is it realy for? Who do we become?

12. The Green Ring

Magic is a privilege and no greedy soul may bear it. A nd when corrupted, no one at all.

13. The Festival

The answers displayed for our bare eyes, God reborn, Life remade. To be truly happy we must dance.